This was last night's wine - Milton Park Shiraz, 2004 from South Eastern Australia. I've found that Australian wines are generally a good choice, and especially for a shiraz. In fact, I can't think of a really BAD Australian wine that I've had. I spent a couple of years drinking the Yellow Tail brand, which now seems to be everywhere. Anyway - about this wine... The label describes it as having "spicy characters and rich, plummy fruit flavors which are typical of this variety." I thought that was a pretty dead-on description. Here were my notes after tasting it: "deep purple color, smells bold, big, fruity and smooth taste." It was the sort of wine you can have with food (pasta or steak would be good choices) or by itself. I had it with chips and salsa - Tostitos Hint of Lime chips and medium salsa (any hotter would have obliterated the taste of the wine). All in all, well worth the $8.96 that it cost at bottle buys. Bottom line - you probably will not go wrong with an Australian shiraz - of any brand.
"Wine is the most civilized thing in the world." -- Ernest Hemingway.
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