Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wine for Bone Density?

A recent study suggests that people who have a drink or two of wine or beer a day may improve their bone density. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported on the study which found that people who had one or two drinks of wine or beer had denser bones than those who didn't. Yet another reason to toast?

Read on - http://www.reuters.com/article/healthNews/idUSTRE52J2VX20090320

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Wine may protect against esophageal cancer

I love good health news about wine... don't you? And really, there's been plenty of it. But today I saw one I hadn't seen yet. A new study found that drinking a glass of wine a day may lower the risk of Barrett's espophagus, a precurser to esophageal cancer. Barrett's affect about 5% of the population, and people with the condition are 30 - 40 times more likely to develop esopheagal cancer. Researchers looked at close to 1000 men and women in California (where, I must add, the wine is quite good), and found that those who drank one or more glasses of wine (red or white) were 56% LESS likely to develop Barrett's. Beer or liquor did not have a similar effect.

So... next time you have a glass of wine... toast to your health!

For the full story, click here.